Introduction: Laser, Peels & Body Contouring

The latest in laser treatment technologies for treatment of skin cancers, skin conditions and a range of cosmetic procedures.

Aesthetic Dermatology also provides its patients with innovative and efficacious non-invasive fat reduction procedures.


Pigmentation: PICO Genesis

Procedure Information: Pigmentation: PICO Genesis

Pigmentation can occur as a result of sun exposure, ageing and hormonal conditions. PICO genesis laser treatments can make your skin appear lighter and brighter by improving the appearance of unwanted pigmentation on the face, hands or any area of the body. Patients usually require two to three treatments, which are booked one month apart. This treatment is suitable for all skin types.

Melanin gives our skin its colour, but when it occurs in high concentrations it can result in brown spots and uneven skin tone. PICO genesis uses photo-mechanical energy to selectively shatter unwanted pigmentation and remodel the upper layer of the skin. This approach does not use heating, reducing the risk of hyper/hypopigmentation and avoiding thermal damage to surrounding tissue.

Prior to treatment, you will be asked to remove your make-up or moisturiser. It is also important not to sun tan or use self tanning products four weeks leading up to treatment. Dr Leow and his staff will ensure you are as comfortable as possible prior to commencing the treatment. Both the patient and staff will be wearing protective eyewear. Most patients do not find the treatment uncomfortable, but topical anaesthetic can be applied prior to treatment for comfort.

Most patients experience mild redness and swelling immediately following this treatment, this should resolve over several hours. It is recommended that patients apply an ice pack to the area immediately following treatment. Over the course of a few days the treated area will become darker; this will flake off as it heals. Please contact us if you experience any blistering, excessive redness or swelling following treatment.

After the treatment you can return to normal activities immediately. It is important to avoid sun exposure, or to apply SPF50+ sunscreen if participating in outdoor activities. We also advise patients to avoid heat or anything abrasive in the days following the procedure.

Pigmentation - Tattoo removal

Procedure Information: Pigmentation - Tattoo removal

As well as treating pigmentation, Enlighten removes tattoos. This treatment is suitable for all tattoo colours, new or old tattoos, and all skin types. Tattoos contain a range of colours and particle sizes. Patients should expect four to five treatments, spaced one month apart. The depth, size and colour of the tattoo will determine how many treatments are required.

Enlighten uses non-thermal, photo-mechanical energy to shatter the ink cells while protecting the surrounding tissue. The unique feature of the Enlighten laser is that it has nano and pico technology, shattering the larger cells then working progressively to the smaller cells.

Dr Leow and his staff will ensure you are as comfortable as possible prior to commencing the treatment. Both the patient and staff will be wearing protective eyewear. It is expected that patients will experience moderate discomfort, if desired patients can apply topical anaesthetic prior to treatment. Once the treatment is complete Dr Leow will place a dressing over the area, and give instructions about wound care.

Following the procedure redness, swelling, pinpoint bleeding, blisters and crusting/scabbing are all expected reactions. Applying an ice pack to the area may help to bring down the redness and swelling. The pinpoint bleeding should resolve in 1-2 days, while the crusting may last 7-14 days. Avoid trauma to the area or removing the scabs, allow these to flake off.  Contact Aesthetic Dermatology if you are concerned about any side effects.

To reduce the risk of side effects, avoid ultraviolet light and direct sun exposure for 2 to 4 weeks following treatment. Use a SPF50+ broad spectrum sunscreen if you have to be outdoors. Also avoid heat, irritants and anything abrasive until the skin is fully healed.

Unwanted Body Fat: Clatuu

Procedure Information: Unwanted Body Fat: Clatuu

Clatuu treatments permanently destroy fat cells with no surgery, little discomfort and no downtime. This treatment is suitable for patients who are just within (or a little over) their ideal weight, or have fat bulges that don’t respond to diet and exercise. Common areas that can be treated are fat deposits of the abdomen, flanks, back, thighs and upper arms.

Using a process called “Cool Assisted Lipolysis”, this treatment works by freezing fat cells to the point where they crystallise and die. These cells are gradually eliminated by the body’s natural metabolic processes (also called apoptosis). The fat cells that remain shrink, causing further reduction in the size of the treated area. There is no damage to the surrounding tissues.

The Clatuu device has two handpieces, which means two areas can be treated at the same time. When you attend for a treatment the areas of fat will be marked while you are upright, then we will ensure you are as comfortable as possible lying down in the treatment position. A gel pad will be applied on the skin, and then the handpieces are placed on the marked areas. When the treatment is started there is a feeling of strong suction, which may be slightly uncomfortable but after ten minutes the area is numbed by the low temperature.

The treatment takes one hour; during this time staff will check on you periodically to ensure you are comfortable. Many patients read or use their own portable electronic device.  Once the treatment is finished the handpieces are removed and an after treatment massage is performed to help restore the frozen fat layer back to normal.

After the treatment you can return to normal activities immediately. There may be some redness and swelling, this will fade over several hours. Some patient may experience bruising and firmness of the treatment area. The treated area may remain tender, and there may be some slight intermittent tingling or numbness for up to 2 weeks after the treatment.

You may see a result as soon as three weeks, but it may take up to three months to see the full result. You can retreat the same area ninety days after the initial treatment for further fat reduction. We recommend that patients adopt a lifestyle of a balanced diet and light exercise for at least six weeks after the treatment in order to achieve the best results.

Unwanted Body Fat: Belkyra

Procedure Information: Unwanted Body Fat: Belkyra

Belkrya is an injectable treatment to improve the appearance of a double-chin, resulting in a more contoured neck profile and jaw. Fullness under the chin is a common concern for men and women; it can be caused by ageing, genetics and weight changes. The active ingredient in Belkyra is synthesised deoxycholic acid. This occurs naturally in the body to help to break down dietary fat. When injected below the chin, it breaks down the fat cells which are absorbed by the body.

Most patients see an improvement in two to four treatments, but patients can have a maximum of six treatments. These treatments are spaced four weeks apart. Once you reach the desire result it is expected that the result will be maintained for at least four years.

This procedure generally only requires 20 minutes. Most patients experience moderate pain while Belkyra is injected, local anaesthetic and/or topical anaesthetic are recommended for this treatment. Once the anaesthetic has taken effect, Dr Leow will mark the area with surgical pen and a grid then administer small amounts of Belkyra in a series of injections. The treatment is customised for each patient; the number of injections will be based on the amount of fat in the area.

Patients should expect mild swelling – this means the product is working. Other common side effects are pain, bruising, numbness, redness, pain and tingling. Patients can also apply an ice pack following treatment to help manage side effects. If you are concerned about any side effects, please contact Aesthetic Dermatology for more information.

Skin Laxity

Procedure Information: Skin Laxity

SkinTyte uses BroadBand Light technology to improve the appearance of sagging skin by initiating the body’s natural healing process. This treatment works by delivering a number of rapid but gentle pulses of infra-red light to deeply heat the collagen within the skin, while cooling and protecting the surface of the skin. After the treatment a new foundation of collagen is created leading to increased skin firmness.

This treatment can be performed on any area of the body, but popular areas include face, neck, abdomen and arms. It is suitable for patients who want to see moderate results, and do not want to undergo more invasive surgical procedures. SkinTyte is safe for all skin types. The number of treatments required will vary for each patient; Dr Leow will discuss this with each patient as part of the consultation.

The duration of this procedure will depend on the area of the body being treated. For example, it takes around 30 minutes to treat the face or neck. Dr Leow and his staff will ensure you are as comfortable as possible prior to commencing the treatment. Both the patient and staff will be wearing protective eyewear. A series of pulses will be repeated over the treatment area. The cooling from the handpiece makes this treatment very comfortable and it not expected that patients will require any anaesthetic.

Immediately after the treatment the area will be red, this should resolve shortly after the treatment. Patients can also apply an ice pack following treatment. The redness can also be covered with make up following the treatment if required.

After the treatment you can return to normal activities immediately. It is important to avoid sun exposure, or to apply SPF50+ sunscreen if participating in outdoor activities. We also advise patients to avoid heat or anything abrasive in the days following the procedure. While it can take up to four months to see the full result, the treatment can be repeated fortnightly to achieve the desired result.

Varicose Veins

Procedure Information: Varicose Veins

Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to treat varicose veins. This treatment involves injecting a solution into the vein using a very fine needle, which has an effect on the wall of the vein causing it to shut down. Over a period of four to six weeks the body will gradually remove the vein that has been treated. However, you may continue to notice improvement for several months. Some patients require more than one treatment.

During the consultation process Dr Leow will asses your veins to decide if the treatment is suitable. Some patients may be required to have a duplex ultrasound of the leg/s prior to treatment to give more detailed information about their veins. You will also be given a referral for medical grade compression stockings, which you are required for the procedure.

In preparation for this treatment do not wax or shave your legs two days prior to your booking. Patients need to stop oral contraceptive or hormone replacement therapy four weeks prior to treatment. On the day of your appointment do not apply moisturiser to your legs, wear comfortable clothing, and ensure you bring the compression stockings. Generally no anaesthesia is required for this procedure; most patients will only experience mild discomfort. Depending on the area to be treated several injections may be required. Once the treatment is completed Dr Leow and his staff will place the stockings on your legs. These need to be worn continuously for one to two weeks after treatment to increase the effectiveness and reduce side effects.

Most common side effects are mild and will resolve in a couple of days. These can include mild pain, red, inflamed and swollen areas, tender lumps, bruising of injection site and swelling. Bruising of the skin quite commonly produces some brown staining due to deposition of iron pigments, this will fade overtime. There are some rare side effects which include allergic reaction, deep vein thrombosis, dizziness, migraine, nerve damage, shortness of breath, stroke, ulceration and visual disturbances. Please contact us if you experience any of these side effects following treatment.

It is recommended patients resume their normal daily activities following treatment, including light exercise. It is also advisable to avoid periods of prolonged standing, and to keep your legs elevated when sitting. Patients return one week after treatment for Dr Leow to assess the area.

Uneven Texture & Tone: CO2 Laser

Procedure Information: Uneven Texture & Tone: CO2 Laser

CO2 laser is a skin resurfacing procedure that can be used to treat many skin conditions. This treatment works by removing layers of damaged skin and stimulating the regeneration of healthy skin underneath. There is minimal scatter of the laser beam, so normal healthy surrounding tissue is hardly affected.

Full-face resurfacing is performed for patients with conditions such as acne scarring, sun damage and wrinkling. Other conditions which may be treated with CO2 laser include superficial skin cancer, sun-damaged lips, warts, some types of scarring, rhinophyma (lobular enlargement of the nose) and a variety of benign skin conditions, for example syringomas, moles and xanthelasma. Typically patients only require one treatment, however occasionally two treatments may be required for some conditions.

Anaesthetic is required for laser resurfacing, Dr Leow will discuss this with each patient. Typically local anaesthetic injections supplemented with topical anaesthetic cream and oral pain tablets are required. In the case of full-face treatment, general anaesthetic or twilight sedation is recommended.

CO2 laser is an invasive procedure, creating a wound. Patient should expect some bleeding and ooze initially, as well as swelling and redness. Some areas may require a dressing; this is changed by a nurse at the follow up appointment. Following the procedure you will be given aftercare instructions, this generally includes keeping your face moist with Vaseline, avoiding heat, hot water and anything abrasive (for example wash clothes and scrubs). These wounds will heal in around one week; patients typically take one to two weeks off work.

You should expect to attend post-op appointments a couple of days after, then one week after the procedure. Following the healing of the wound created by the treatment, you will be given advice in relation to skincare products and instructions on how to use them. This will minimise your risk of inflammation and redness and ensure the shortest healing time. Redness can last four to six weeks. You skin will be sensitive to ultraviolet light and you must avoid direct sun exposure until redness has faded fully. Patients should use a SPF50+ broad spectrum sunscreen if you have to be outdoors.

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